Matt Tyler, a welder and entrepreneur, joins host Jason Becker on the Arc Junkies Podcast to discuss the importance of diversifying skills in welding and fabrication. Throughout the conversation, Matt shares his own experiences and insights, emphasizing the need for continuous learning and expanding one's skill set.,He highlights the benefits of being versatile in the industry, mentioning how learning new techniques and acquiring new tools has made him more efficient and profitable. Matt encourages listeners to start from the bottom and be open to being the new guy again when learning a new skill. He emphasizes the importance of being willing to learn, asking questions, and seeking guidance from mentors.,The conversation also touches on the value of embracing mistakes and setbacks as part of the learning process. Matt and Jason agree that constant education and staying up-to-date with evolving technologies and techniques are key to remaining competitive in the field.,This episode is valuable for welders and fabricators who are looking to expand their skill set and increase their versatility in the industry. Matt's personal experiences and insights provide practical guidance and inspiration for listeners on their journey towards mastery in welding and fabrication.,Join Matt Tyler, a welder and entrepreneur, and host Jason Becker on the Arc Junkies Podcast as they delve into the topic of diversifying skills in welding and fabrication. In this insightful conversation, Matt shares his own journey of starting from basic skills and gradually expanding his expertise through continuous learning and the acquisition of new tools.,Throughout the episode, Matt emphasizes the importance of versatility in the industry, mentioning how diversifying his skill set has made him more efficient and profitable. He highlights the value of being willing to learn, seeking guidance from mentors, and embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth.,This episode is particularly relevant for welders and fabricators who are looking to enhance their abilities and stay competitive in the industry. Matt's firsthand experiences and advice provide practical insights and inspiration for listeners seeking to expand their skill set and take their craft to the next level.
Check out Matt's course on Blending Here
Check out Matt on Instagram @matttylerdesigns
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